In the sections below, you’ll find everything you need to know about "Winder." Explore the full lyrics to immerse yourself in the song’s meaning and discover detailed credits, including the artists and creators behind this track.
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If I let this shit spin another day
It Turns to I'm so sorry with love?!
I'm leaving all those panicky days
Rancor is a drug for me to fight
I feel so soft and real
It happens 'till the end
I just defined your name
In a list called "it won't happen"
It's nothing but more fun
I'm burning but it's fixing my way
You'll keep up breathing, you are sober and you say
I believe in condescension
I kill myself for bringing you down
Harmonies will move in my ears
So keep yourself, don't make things up
Save this moment for now then you're gone
You Might
If I let this hell spin another day
It Turns to I'm so sorry with love !
I'm leaving all those panicky days
Rancor is a drug for me to fight
Looking for ways to enjoy "Winder" by Planet V? Whether you want to stream it online, purchase it for your collection, or download it to listen anytime, we’ve got you covered. In the beginning of this page, you’ll find the best and most reliable links to access this track on your favorite platforms. Don’t miss the chance to experience this amazing song wherever you go!