In the sections below, you’ll find everything you need to know about "Not Bad." Explore the full lyrics to immerse yourself in the song’s meaning and discover detailed credits, including the artists and creators behind this track.
Listen on Spotify Listen on Youtube Listen on Apple Music Listen on SoundcloudI was just ok I was not bad so
They let it come with something fast
Now I don't care I just live my life
They don't believe me they want to fight
I am like a fan without a place
It's hard to believe when I found the trace
The whole roads were wrong, dark clouds are back
The walls can't tell me where the secrets hide
Just Imagine
Far as home there is something to prove
They've reached the madness, they forced me to assure(that)
While we've have the fortune to breath
Dumb things will destroy what you believed
I'm not that man who is ashamed of himself to fall
Another scene another ghost with me all alone
The Lucky guy is me, I have learned to go fast
To let them believe I will not act
I'm about to fade like everyone else
They won't believe me they want to feel
Look in me I own nothing
Can't you see I just feel empty?
I wish I had something more than a soul
Just Imagine
Far as home there is something to prove
They've reached the madness, they forced me to assure(that)
While we've have the fortune to breath
Dumb things will destroy what you believed
I'm not that man without a hope
I'm not that man who is ashamed of himself to fall
Another scene another ghost with me all alone
Looking for ways to enjoy "Not Bad" by Planet V? Whether you want to stream it online, purchase it for your collection, or download it to listen anytime, we’ve got you covered. In the beginning of this page, you’ll find the best and most reliable links to access this track on your favorite platforms. Don’t miss the chance to experience this amazing song wherever you go!