In the sections below, you’ll find everything you need to know about "Mate." Explore the full lyrics to immerse yourself in the song’s meaning and discover detailed credits, including the artists and creators behind this track.
Listen on Spotify Listen on Youtube Listen on Apple Music Listen on SoundcloudIt won't happen to you
I'm losing sight but all you need is to lie and go through
It doesn't matter what they lose
Look in my eyes and say goodbye
I will refuse to say that I always liked you
I will fly by pain
This Feeling is right
you'll go but
Someday you'll survive
From what we have been through, don't forget
forget to realize that I'm sorry that it's over
won't you tell them what we have found?
It's nothing more than the hate that we have built inside, do you copy that?
I'm sick and this sadness resides in mind (and) I'm looking forward to lose it
They said the impossible thing is done but you know what we've been through
It's because it won't ever last and because we don't have a chance
You proved what we ignored all the time
I will fly by hate and refuse to stay
but you
you're just a sacrifice
I'm Sorry, happy that you're gone
I'm happy but you are gone
I'm sick and this sadness resides in mind
Looking for ways to enjoy "Mate" by Planet V? Whether you want to stream it online, purchase it for your collection, or download it to listen anytime, we’ve got you covered. In the beginning of this page, you’ll find the best and most reliable links to access this track on your favorite platforms. Don’t miss the chance to experience this amazing song wherever you go!