In the sections below, you’ll find everything you need to know about "87." Explore the full lyrics to immerse yourself in the song’s meaning and discover detailed credits, including the artists and creators behind this track.
Listen on Spotify Listen on Youtube Listen on Apple Music Listen on SoundcloudDays go by and my fear is that nothing is new
Time tends to run, these tears are in my eyes to
Wash this dream away, and my only hope is you
Catching a breath and fly
It's not all that I will do
It's not all that I will do
It's not all that I
Always wasted and scream what will happen next
They all know I'm done with what they wonder first
Searching to find the truth, nothing appears again
I waste my life, it's all that I always do
It's not all that I
And I never cared for these dumb things, fake and stupid friends
No matter how it goes but I tried to sleep and forget
Who can solve you in my veins? where you can be with who you could be
I still didn't find the same, the same as you
Looking for ways to enjoy "87" by Planet V? Whether you want to stream it online, purchase it for your collection, or download it to listen anytime, we’ve got you covered. In the beginning of this page, you’ll find the best and most reliable links to access this track on your favorite platforms. Don’t miss the chance to experience this amazing song wherever you go!